Roga Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan is an important department of Ayurveda focusing on diagnostics aspects and deals with the classification of diseases and techniques of diagnosis. The subject having outmost importance for the sake of academic as well as clinical practice. Subject also incorporates different kinds of diagnostic tools &investigation. The department has its own library and equipped with PC & Printer.
Containing many books both Ayurvedic & Modern Textbooks, along with commentaries on Charak and Vagbhat also Various Printed charts containing various topics ,dooja as well as chart form.
This lab is well equipped with all the instruments with capacity of 60 students at once.
Contains various equipments like test tubes, reagents, centrifuge machine, incubator, needle & syringe destroyer, sterilizer box, ultra lamp, photo calorimeter, water bath, microscope, ESR stand, slide stain.