Samhita, Siddhanta & Sanskrit

Basic Principals


This Department mainly deals with the fundamental study of Ayurveda Classics named as Samhitas as well as all the principles directly or indirectly related with the Clinical Part, which include teaching of Ayurveda Siddhant, Samhita, Ayurveda ,History, Darshan and Sanskrit to students at under-graduate levels. The Department is also imparting teaching, both clinical and literary, on the fundamental doctrines of Ayurveda on scientific lines. In the BAMS final year, study is more advanced and probing in nature in the form of Research Methodology in Ayurveda which lays the foundation of forthcoming research in the field of Ayurveda.

Departmental Vision

To establish excellence in basic concepts explained in the Samhitas, Darshana shastras, Vyakarana Shastras, Tarka shastras etc. and to provide basic knowledge of research fundamentals.

Departmental Mission

Empowering the students with the basic tools for approaching the science of Ayurveda in a structured manner, which shall enable them in understanding the contents of all the branches of Ayurveda and enable them to adopt it in their clinical practice.

Aims And Objectives

  1. To impart fundamental education to the students.
  2. Teaching by the advanced & interesting means to make the subject and knowledge up to date on scientific parameters.
  3. To produce quality teachers in the field of basic principles so that Ayurveda could be propagated Nationwide & then worldwide.
  4. To impart not only literary but also clinical teaching based on the fundamental doctrines.


  1. Under-Graduate Level: During the year, theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance in the subject of Ayurved Samhita & Siddhanta were provided to students in simpler and convincing way as per NCISM syllabus and University Kurukshetra. Periodical tests were also held at frequent intervals to make the students keen and more attentive.
  2. To gratitude Acharya Charaka the father of Indian medicine : Charak Jayanti is celebrated every year .The program is organized by this department.
  3. Celebration of Ayurveda Day every year with full fledge participation of students
  4. Departmental library is maintained by all Samhitas and Sanskrit Tika by various Tikakar.

Achievements of academic year 2024

  1. Arushi from BAMS 2nd prof has secured 2nd position and Richa Kumari from BAMS 4TH yr has secured 3rd position at national level essay writing competition organized by Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad Bihar .
  2. On the occasion of world health day a webinar on Rajjaswala Charya Siddhanta was organized on 15/3/24
  3. A visit to historical place Aswino Mandir village Asan district Jind by BAMS 1ST prof students . An Ashwino Yagya and Samhita Pathan was performed by students.



Teaching Staff

NameDesignationQualificationDOJExperience Teacher CodeSnap Portfolio
Dr. Hrishikesh Anant Gaitonde Professor MD (Ayu) 2025-01-27 15 Years AYSS00888 View
Dr. Jyoti Sihag Associate Professor MD, Ph.D Pursuing 2019-12-20 8 Year 9 Months AYSS00766 View
Dr. Ramanand Assistant Professor MD 2021-03-12 3 Year AYSS01368 View
Dr. Jyoti Assistant Professor MD 2024-08-23 2 Years AYSS01537 View
Mr. Surendar Singh Sanskrit Teacher M.A. Sanskrit 2022-11-05 1 Year AYSN00557 View


Non-Teaching Staff

Mr. Ajay Attendant Samhita & Siddhant



Department Built up area (in square meter)
Samhita & Siddhant100


Academic Record

YearCoursesNo. of Lectures (Theory)No. of Practical / Clinical*No. of Research*
2023 UG 1200 0 0