Department of Shalya Tantra

Ayurveda General Surgery


Since, the commencement of National College of Ayurveda, the branch Shalya Tantra is boosting as surgical school and department is committed to provide the best possible care to patients who require surgical and para-surgical services (Ksharakarma, Agnikarma, Raktamokshana) at this region or area level.

The department is having well equipped OPDs, and modular operation theatre. The most commendable Ksharasutra unit of this department is gaining popularity in Barwala (Hisar) and nearby areas. The department is also providing quality education at UG level.

Departmental Vision

To establish the principles of Shalyatantra in a scientific, safe and effective manner in view of modern scientific medical knowledge.

Departmental Mission

  1. To establish a centre of excellence in the management of Ano-rectal diseases for the popularization of Kshara karma and kshara sutra treatments.
  2. To establish a Pain clinic for the management of various musculo-skeletal disorders through Agnikarma.
  3. Effective management of various cases of non-healing, chronic infected ulcers by the principles laid down in Shashtiupakrama.
  4. To establish Jalukavacharana for the effective management of ulcers, skin diseases and gangrene.

Services Provided

  • OPD :
    • Well equipped OPD specialized for the consultation of patients of general surgical diseases, Ano-rectal diseases and Colo-Rectal diseases
  • Minor OT :
    • Well-equipped Minor OT for management of Traumatic wounds
    • Equipped for daily dressing of wounds
    • For conduction of Agnikarma and Jalukavacharana
  • Department Museum
  • Laboratory for preparation of various Kshara sutra
  • Facilities like Library for staff
  • Mannequins for training Post-Graduate and Undergraduate students taught on various surgical skills like suturing, bandaging, IV and IM injections, Catheterizations, P/R examinations etc


NameDesignationQualificationDOJExperience Teacher CodeSnap Portfolio
Dr. Manoj Kumar Professor MS 2020-12-25 14 Years AYST01049 View
Dr Anish Viswanadhan AssociateProfessor MS 2023-12-16 6 Years AYST01292 View
Dr. Shivam Sharma Assistant Professor MD (Ayu.) 2024-09-19 5 Months AYST02482 View


Non-Teaching Staff

Mrs. Noni Bala Dresser Shalya Tantra AH2410012500
Mr. Pardeep Dresser Shalya Tantra AH1604019107



Department Built up area (in square meter)
Shalya Tantra161.21


Academic Record

YearCoursesNo. of Lectures (Theory)No. of Practical / Clinical*No. of Research*
2023 UG 96 95 0