Department of Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra

Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Prasuti Tantra refers to the branch of Ayurveda that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care. Stri Roga, focuses on women's health in general, encompassing various gynecological disorders and conditions specific to females throughout different stages of life.


  1. It is the branch that originates with the concept of maintenance of the physical and mental health of a woman throughout various stages of her life.
  2. To have a healthy progeny from a healthy mother.
  3. To maintain genital tract health, to strengthen genital organs thereby preventing from genital tract diseases.
  4. To cure genital tract diseases with appropriate regimen.


  1. To develop department of Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra to its optimum strength
  2. To establish it as a best integrative centre for dealing Gynaecology and Obstetric cases.


NameDesignationQualificationDOJExperience Teacher CodeSnap Portfolio
Dr. Pushpa Godara Professor MS 2023-03-17 15 Year AYPS00386 View
Dr. Bhushan Chougule AssociateProfessor MS 2023-12-30 8 Year AYPS00062 View
Dr. Vidhi AssistantProfessor MS 2024-01-08 5 Month AYPS01561 View
Dr. Ms. Sonika Assistant Professor MS 2023-01-20 3 Year AYPS01339 View
Dr. Riya Assistant Professor MS 2023-09-02 2 Year AYPS01418 View


Non-Teaching Staff

Mr. Aman Attendant Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga AC2409265745



Department Built up area (in square meter)
Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga109.27


Academic Record

YearCoursesNo. of Lectures (Theory)No. of Practical / Clinical*No. of Research*
2023 UG 200 200 0