National College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Dhani Garan Road, Barwala Hisar (Haryana) is affiliated with Shri Krishna Ayush University, Kurukshetra (Haryana) vide letter No. SKAU/C.B./1A.17./2024/2090 Dated 09.04.2024. (Click here for details)
Course : Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (B.A.M.S.)
Sanctioned Intake Capacity : 100 Seats
National College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Dhani Garan Road, Barwala Hisar (Haryana) is recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine / National Commission for Indian System of Medicine and Ministry of Ayush vide letter Ref. No. 26-94/MARB/2024/Ay.(6) Dated 09.08.24 (Click here for details)
Detail of the Course: